You’re SHTF Ready With Ready Hour Emergency Food

You’re SHTF Ready With Ready Hour Emergency Food

By Adelia Ladson

What Is Ready Hour?

Here at CH Kadels, we’re always looking for the newest, top brands on the market so that we can offer you only the best in survival gear. Our newest find, Ready Hour Emergency Food, is a brand that will really fit your food-prep needs. Grown and packaged in Salt Lake City, Utah, Ready Hour has a long history of providing calorie-rich and delicious nourishment that you can count on if SHTF or a natural disaster occurs. Ready Hour believes that long-term survival food shouldn’t break the bank, so they maintain affordable pricing across their products. Ready Hour food products have an extended shelf-life from 10 years up to 30 years, depending on the type of food, and require no refrigeration. We carry several kinds of these emergency food products to give you a wide variety of options to choose from.

Why Do I Need Emergency Food?

Since the future isn’t guaranteed, it’s essential to prepare, to the best of your ability, as much as you can for an event that may upset, either permanently or temporarily, your way of life. There are many things to consider, to prepare you and your family for an emergency, but one of the most important things to consider is food. Can you feed your family independent of outside sources like grocery stores that most likely won’t be a reliable food source, if something happens? Now is the time to stock provisions for your family to ensure your survival. As Ready Hour says, “Be ready for tomorrow. Today.”

#10 Canned Food Staples

When you’re stocking and organizing your food-prep, the key is efficiency of storage. Ready Hour #10 cans are made of steel, are waterproof and rodent proof, and store easily on a shelf or in a closet. Store them in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity. I’ve chosen a few of the staples that are absolutely necessary to have a completely stocked food-prep pantry.

Honey Powder

Honey is a versatile staple to have because not only is it an incredibly delicious topping and sugar substitute in recipes, but it has antibacterial properties that can be used on minor cuts if necessary. Ready Hour Honey Powder mixes to the natural consistency of honey and the powder is made to store long-term, which is why it remains the perfect consistency. There are 340 total servings in the can, it lasts up to 30 years unopened and one year once the can is opened.

Butter Powder

During extreme times of crisis and under emergency conditions, you can certainly bet that butter will tend to become a valuable commodity. Ready Hour Butter Powder has a total of 204 servings in the can, giving you 7,140 calories, and has a 10-year shelf-life. You might also consider all the uses of butter powder even when there’s not an emergency. Keep it around the kitchen as a staple item that stores for many years. When you’re outdoors and need to butter your food, you won’t have to worry about the butter melting.

Peanut Butter Powder

Our bodies need two essential ingredients to help us survive: water and protein. Protein is not produced naturally, so we have to get it from our food supply and, most importantly, we need to have a reliable source of it. Peanut Butter Powder is a great source of protein, vitamin E, and manganese and is also an excellent source of fiber and energy. Simply put, peanut butter powder can positively fit into your healthy eating plan and is a necessity in your food storage plan. The powder mixes into a creamy peanut butter spread that gives you 65 servings of a nutritious, tasty, nutty delight that can top your favorite bread or eaten with fruit as a snack.

Whole Egg Powder

If meat is in short supply, eggs are always another high-protein alternative to keep you healthy and strong. These freeze-dried eggs are easy to prepare quickly with an equal warm water to powder ratio for the number of eggs wanted. There are 5,760 calories total in the Whole Egg Powder can, equaling 72 eggs, and it has a 10-year shelf-life. Whether you’re in a crisis situation and there’s no access to grocery stores, or you’re camping and want a quick and easy breakfast, these delicious, powdered eggs are the way to go!

Powdered Whey Milk

You can see that there’s definitely a theme to these last few items on this list of canned staples. Protein, protein, protein. Ready Hour understands the fact that during a crisis, the body needs it to sustain maximum performance and their Powdered Whey Milk was made specifically with that in mind. It provides you with 93 servings and 6,510 calories total, perfect for your emergency food prep, with a 20-year shelf-life, or even to mix-up and use in your daily diet. Please note that due to whey being a by-product of the cheese making process, it does contain lactose.

Food Supply Buckets

Whether natural or man-made, no region is immune from the potential for disaster. Tornado, earthquake, hurricane, winter storm or terror attack are just a few examples of emergencies that could necessitate the need to have an emergency food supply on hand. Imagine the peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, there will always be food on your table. The Ready Hour Emergency Food Supply Buckets are your first and best step to just that kind of peace of mind, and all the security that comes with it. They offer a variety of food supply buckets to stock your pantry for either short-term disasters or long-term disasters. The meals are easy to prepare by just adding water and cooking for 10-15 minutes. With the many delicious food varieties, you’ll never get bored with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The nutritious food is packaged in heavy-duty, four-layer pouches with an oxygen absorber inside to extend the shelf-life and a resealable zipper top. Then they are packed in a rugged, water-resistant bucket for easy storage, lasting up to 25 years in optimal storage conditions. I’ve selected a few emergency food buckets in different quantities to give you an idea of what Ready Hour offers.

Two-Week Emergency Food Supply

The Two-Week Emergency Food Supply will provide one person 2,000 calories a day, for 14 days. The meals are full of vitamins, protein, and calories needed to excel through the chaos and with 118 servings of food, you won’t have to worry about going hungry. The delicious breakfast, lunch and supper meals included are creamy stroganoff, mashed potatoes, creamy chicken flavored rice, mac and cheese, long grain white rice, rice pilaf, buttermilk pancakes, Maple Grove Oatmeal, homestyle potato soup and orange energy drink mix.

Four-Week Emergency Food Supply

The Four-Week Emergency Food Supply provides 2,000 calories a day, for four-weeks, for one person, which is 256 servings total of hearty meals. You’re getting all the vitamins, protein, and calories you’ll need to not only survive, but thrive. The entrées include mac and cheese, traveler’s stew, creamy stroganoff, homestyle potato soup, cheesy broccoli and rice soup and black bean soup. The quick and easy side dishes include creamy chicken-flavored rice, Southwest rice, long grain white rice and mashed potatoes. The hot-and-hearty breakfasts include buttermilk pancakes, Maple Grove Oatmeal, strawberry-flavored creamy wheat and powdered milk. You’re also getting sweet snacks and desserts including banana chips and chocolate pudding. Finally, pouches of orange energy drink mix are included.

Three-Month Emergency Food Supply

The Three-Month Emergency Food Supply provides 2,000 calories a day, for 90 days, for one person, which is 876 servings total of hearty meals. The entrées include mac and cheese, traveler’s stew, creamy stroganoff, homestyle potato soup, cheesy broccoli and rice soup, black bean soup, mushroom rice pilaf, chili mac, creamy alfredo pasta and spaghetti. The quick and easy side dishes include creamy chicken-flavored rice, Southwest rice, long grain white rice and mashed potatoes. The hot-and-hearty breakfasts include buttermilk pancakes, Maple Grove Oatmeal, strawberry-flavored creamy wheat and powdered milk. The sweet snacks and desserts include banana chips and chocolate pudding, and this bucket also has orange energy drink mix pouches.

Ultimate Breakfast Kit

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and Ready Hour has provided breakfast lovers with the Ultimate Breakfast Kit full of nothing but breakfast treats your family will love. It provides 140 servings of breakfasts and also includes the orange energy drink mix, which will really get you going in the morning. Breakfast items included in the kit are Maple Grove Oatmeal, buttermilk pancakes, freeze-dried strawberries, strawberry-flavored creamy wheat, scrambled eggs and powdered whey milk.

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